Standard Process Formula Overview
Dr. Royal Lee, the founder of Standard Process Farm, believed that each individual's unique nutritional requirements are best evaluated through a consultation with a health care professional. We are a team of natural health professionals that he would be proud of. One of the reasons that the Standard Process prefers to only sell their whole food vitamins through professionals is Quality Control.
Standard Process Formulas
These whole food concentrated formulas are made up of raw and living whole foods that are to be kept in a controlled environment. 80% of the ingredients are grown right on their regenerative farm in Palmyra, Wisconsin. Always know where your food comes from to ensure:
1. It contains the nutrition your body requires.
2. No added chemicals (pesticides, synthetic fertilizers, dyes, etc) entered your food supply that can potentially build up in your body and cause problems.
(Formulas Alphabetically Listed)
A-C Carbamide®: This formula is a natural diuretic support that purifies and cleanses the kidney, bladder and urine. It helps with symptoms related to water retention, edema, glaucoma and nightmares. This formula helps with symptoms related to bags under the eyes.
Adrenal, Dessicated: This formula is a temporary support for the adrenals when stronger support is needed. It is good for patients with symptoms of exhaustion, sudden severe stress, shock, burns, fatigue and hypoadrenia (slow adrenals). This is a good formula to use during athletic competition.
AF Betafood®: This formula is used to help thin the bile and promote better liver and gall bladder function. It assists in the conversion of fat to sugar and sugar to glycogen. It is also has natural antimicrobial properties which destroys harmful bacteria. This formula help support healthy fat digestion, and is amazing for patients looking to reverse symptoms of nausea, gas, bloating. Gallbladder problems usually cause pain or pressure in the right shoulder and upper back and we see resolution to upper middle back or shoulder blade discomfort.
Albaplex®: This formula helps to rebuild the kidney and supports the kidney detoxification pathways.
Allerplex®: This formula is excellent for people who suffer from symptoms of allergies, lung and asthma problems, sinus infections, pneumonia and colds. It contains nutrients for the liver, immune system, lungs and adrenal glands. It helps support patients with symptoms of environmental allergies as well as the reduction of mucus. It helps support the body’s immune system response to seasonal, environmental, and dietary stresses.
Antronex®: This formula is a natural anti-histamine and liver decongestant. It contains Yakriton, a bovine liver fat extract which helps maintain a healthy liver via its blood filtering and effect on histamine. It is an excellent formula for relieving drainage congestion brought on by colds or allergies. This formula is excellent for individuals with symptoms of allergies, asthma and for people who have symptoms of migraine headaches. To work effectively, this formula needs an acidic gastrointestinal tract so we often recommend Cal Amo or Zypan® along with it.
Arginex®: This formula is a kidney detoxifier. It is good for individuals with symptoms of urinary tract infections, kidney issues, gout, fluid retention and high blood pressure.
B6-Niacinamide: This formula is excellent for individuals with symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome, numbness in extremities, pregnancy edema and adrenal insufficiency. This formula is excellent for recharging the adrenal glands. It also supports protein and fat metabolism.
Betacol®: This formula is an excellent liver detoxifier. It is rich in the Wulzen anti-stiffness factors and is excellent for the individuals with arthritic tendencies who often have joint stiffness or swelling in the joints.
Betafood®: This formula is a gallbladder and liver decongestant. It helps mobilize bile and is good for gallstones.
Betaine Hydrochloride®: This formula supports protein digestion, iron and calcium absorption and normalizes stomach pH. It is excellent for patients with symptoms of flatulence, indigestion, demineralization, vomiting and diarrhea and foul gas. It supports healthy protein digestion and absorbtion of dietary minerals. It is also has acidifying characteristics.
Bio-dent®: This formula is excellent for patients with any teeth or gum issues. It is excellent source of food to rebuild healthy bones and teeth in children. It contains manganese which is an essential component of bone and connective tissue. It is also a complete protein formula excellent for dental related issues.
Biost®: This formula is great for bone, teeth, joints and related tissues. It is amazing for individuals who have a history of dental problems, loose teeth, denture sore spots, bone repair, gum disease and bone-joint connective tissue symptoms.
Black Current Seed Oil: This formula is an excellent source for the essential fatty acids known as Omega 6. It promotes the formation of prostaglandins and hormone precursors, especially those adrenal and sex hormones. Prostaglandins have anti-inflammatory conditions and this formula can help moisturize the skin and decrease inflammation.
Cal-Amo®: This formula is excellent for over alkaline individuals with symptoms of joint pain, bursitis, allergies and asthma. This formula helps to acidify the body which is useful in the support of proper acid and alkaline balance. Maintaining a healthy pH balance at the cellular level helps support and maintain respiratory and connective tissues and skeletal structures and supports the immune system. When the body is too alkaline, calcium may precipitate out of solution and form deposits in various places on the body. This formula is also excellent for symptoms of bee stings and unexplainable itching on the body.
Calcifood®: This formula helps support healthy bones and teeth. It is excellent for patients with symptoms of bone deformities, dental problems and protein-mineral-enzyme deficiencies. This formula is excellent for supporting patients recovering from any spine problems and it also strengthens the blood.
Calcium Lactate: This is one of the best sources of absorbable and ionizable calcium. It is excellent in individuals who have symptoms of cramping, infections, insomnia or osteoporosis. It is also great to prevent immune related challenges, similar to a cold or herpes breakout. It is extremely helpful in children to quickly end fevers and coughs, especially in the evening. This is not a dairy based formula; it contains no whey or lactose and is safe for people who are allergic to milk formulas.
Cal-Ma Plus®: This formula is good ideal for those with symptoms of severe calcium deficiency, osteoporosis, arthritis and sub optimal parathyroid function. It helps bring calcium into a balanced state.
Calsol®: This formula is an excellent source of calcium for vegetarians.
Cardio-Plus®: This formula is excellent heart support. It supports heart health in patients with symptoms of high blood pressure, congestive heart failure and chest pain. It has been proven to improve Heart Sound Recorder graphs within minutes of ingestion.
Cardiotrophin PMG®: This formula is excellent heart support for individuals with symptoms of heart transplant, severe heart weakness and circulation problems. It also supports healthy muscle growth in patients who have symptoms of muscle loss.
Catalyn®: This is an outstanding multi-mineral and multi-vitamin with active, live enzymes. It is excellent for the person with the not so perfect diet.
Cataplex® A: This formula is amazing for the health and maintenance of the mucous membrane. Vitamin A deficiency is often associated with eye problems, night blindness, kidney stones, sinusitis and general skin disorders.
Cataplex® A-C: This formula is a natural antibiotic, which stimulates and supports the body’s immune system and phagocytosis. It is excellent in patients with symptoms of the flu, colds, congestion and infections. A great natural alternative to patients allergic to antibiotics.
Cataplex® A-C-P: This formula is rich with natural anti-inflammatory foods. It is a great formula for people with symptoms of poor immune function, infections and skin disorders.
Cataplex® B: This formula is rich in foods with Vitamin B1 and Vitamin B4, which are important to nerve, muscle and heart function. It supports healthy transmission of nerve impulses. This formula is excellent for carbohydrate metabolism and patients with symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome.
Cataplex® B CORE: This formula is the richest source of Vitamin B4 rich foods. Vitamin B4 is important to nerve, muscle and heart function. It supports healthy transmission of nerve impulses. This formula is excellent for carbohydrate metabolism and patients with symptoms issues related to the heart or muscles.
Cataplex® B12: This formula is rich in Vitamin B12 dense foods. Excellent for a person who has symptoms of pernicious anemia due to Vitamin B12 deficiency.
Cataplex® C: This formula is rich in the whole food Vitamin C (which includes tyrosinase, Vitamin J & K factors) It is a powerful source of natural anti-oxidants and protects the body from damage caused by toxins and radiation. It is excellent support for situations of inflammation, congestion, infectious diseases, weak adrenals and stress.
Cataplex® E: This is an excellent formula to support strong muscles, liver detoxification and a healthy immune system to withstand viral infections. It is also excellent support for balancing sex hormones, viral infections and pre- and post-operative healing. This formula is excellent support for cramping anywhere in the body, legs, abdomen and heart.
Cataplex® E2: This formula is amazing for patients with symptoms of muscle fatigue, tissue oxygen starvation in the chest, aerobic-type exercise and high altitude discomfort.
Cataplex® F Tablets: This formula is excellent for people with symptoms related to skin (sun burning, chapped lips, sensitivity), thyroid hormone production, ridged nails, weak hair, dry skin, muscle cramps, Charlie horses, tissue calcium starvation, calcium absorption, herpes simplex and the prostate. Vitamin F transports the calcium from the blood into the tissues.
Cataplex® F Perles (Flax Oil Plus): This formula is made from organic cold-pressed Flax Seed oil. It is the same as Cataplex F but without the iodine.
Cataplex® G (B2): Rich in foods to nourish the liver. This formula is rich in Vitamin B2 and B4 and promotes nerve relaxation, vasodilation and fat metabolism. It is excellent for patients with symptoms of numbness, hypertension, paraesthesia, liver disease, stress syndrome, mental illness, insomnia, hyperactivity and nerve regeneration. It also helps support digestion in patients with symptoms of bloating.
Cataplex® GTF (Chromium Complex): This formula is rich in food based chromium. Known as ‘glucose tolerance factor’ and supports patients with symptoms of hyperglycemia, hypoglycemia, morning sickness and any insulin imbalance.
Chezyn® (Zinc Complex): This formula contains iron, zinc and copper rich foods to support healthy immune function, prostate, liver and endocrine function.
Chlorophyll Complex™: This formula is rich in fat soluble chlorophyll. Plant blood is supportive healthy hemoglobin and red blood cell formation in humans. It is an excellent source of magnesium, iron, potassium, trace minerals and lecithin. It is excellent support of internal healing, symptoms of low sex drive, bad breath, bleeding, low red blood cell count, GI tract ulcers, colitis and liver issues.
Cholacol®: This formula is “gallbladder in a bottle”. Great for anyone who has had their gallbladder removed since it is made up of bile salts. It is also good for handling sugar cravings, excessive appetite, inability to tolerate fats or oils in the diet and constipation. Cholacol® is a bile replacement supplement and should be used on and off.
Cholaplex®: This formula is good for people with high cholesterol levels and hypertension.
Choline: This formula is good for people who have difficulty in digesting fatty foods. People with hemorrhoids, constipation or a pasty complexion due to incomplete fat digestion would benefit from this formula. It is also good as a mild detoxifier for the person who has a toxic liver, people with mental problems and Alzheimer’s.
Circuplex®: This formula helps people with circulation problems, arteriosclerosis, loss of memory and cold extremities.
Collagen C™: This formula provides a broad spectrum of the various C factors from natural sources. It also helps with collagen formation.
Collinsonia Root: This formula is a natural stool softener. It is good for hemorrhoids, varicose veins and hard stools.
Congaplex®: This formula is used for infections, colds, flu, congestion and immune deficiency problems.
Cruciferous Complete™: This formula protects the body against free radicals and stimulates the body’s own system for neutralizing harmful substances. Free radicals are highly unstable oxygen molecules that damage cells and particularly DNA.
Cyrofood®: This formula is a great prenatal vitamin formula to support general nutrition, energy and resistance to the elements of the world. It provides full spectrum food based vitamins and trace minerals.
Cyruta®: This formula is rich in Vitamin P, which supports a healthy vascular system and helps as patients with symptoms of hypertension. It is also excellent in addressing the root cause of arteriosclerosis, elevated cholesterol levels and low pitch ringing in the ears. Vitamin P deficieny may be associated with individuals with bleeding gums or people who bruise easily. Best paired with Spleen Desiccated.
Cyruta® Plus: This formula is rich in Vitamin P, which supports a healthy vascular system and helps as patients with symptoms of hypertension. It contains a little more adrenal cytosol extract than Cyruta®. It is also excellent in addressing the root cause of arteriosclerosis, elevated cholesterol levels and low pitch ringing in the ears. Vitamin P deficieny may be associated with individuals with bleeding gums or people who bruise easily. Best paired with Spleen Desiccated.
Cataplex® D: This formula is great for Vitamin D deficient cases. Vitamin D is sourced naturally from lanolin. Vitamin D picks up the calcium from the stomach and transports it into the blood. Vitamin F takes it from the blood and puts it into the tissues. Cataplex® D, Cataplex® F, and Calcium Lactate are great to maintain calcium homeostasis in the blood.
Dermatrophin PMG®: This formula is excellent to signal skin repair. Will support the body’s natural healing processes where scars, dry, cracked skin and burns may exist.
Diaplex®: This formula is amazing in supporting healthy blood sugar balance. A must have formula for patients with symptoms of sugar metabolism relation issues (diabetes, hypoglycemia, insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, ‘hangriness’, extreme sugar cravings). Best when paired with Gymnema.
Drenamin®: This formula supports the adrenal glands. It is recommended for patients with symptoms of adrenal exhaustion, chronic fatigue, low blood pressure, respiratory disorders, allergies, blood sugar disturbances and stress.
Drenatrophin PMG®: This formula supports the adrenal glands. It is recommended for patients with symptoms of adrenal exhaustion, lung challenges, chronic fatigue, low blood pressure, respiratory disorders, allergies, blood sugar disturbances and stress.
Echinacea-C: This formula is rich in alkylamides. Excellent to bolster the body in any immune challenge, including the common cold, flu, inflammation and immune support. It is also adaptogenic and is safe to take in cases of auto-immune to support healthy communication between the innate and acquired immune systems.
E-Manganese™: This formula enhances and supports the pituitary gland.
Emphaplex®: This formula is excellent support for the lungs. It works amazingly well for patients with symptoms of emphysema, asthma and smoker’s cough.
E-Poise® (Catalyn with Iron): This is an excellent multivitamin with iron. It may help with building healthy blood.
Order Standard Process or Mediherb formulas HERE anytime.
Fen-Cho®: This formula is for patients with liver or gallbladder sluggishness leading to symptoms of mild constipation. It helps to lubricate the GI tract and has a mild laxative effect.
Fen-Gre®: This formula is rich in fenugreek and is a natural expectorant. It is great for patients with symptoms of sinus congestion, respiratory congestion and excess mucus secretions. It supports the body to remove mucus out of the lungs naturally. It is great for the person with symptoms of respiratory congestion and heavy mucus secretions.
Ferrofood®: This food based formula contains naturally occuring iron and ferrous lactate to support the body’s healthy blood-building processes. It does not contain iron sulfate, and will not cause constipation. This formula is excellent in cases of anemia, iron deficiency, low red blood cell count and pregnancy.
Folic Acid-B12: This formula is great for the pineal gland and methylation of environmental toxins. It also helps nerve degeneration and pernicious anemia. Its most important function of the body is the formation of DNA.
For Til B12®: This formula is excellent support for heavy metal detoxification. This formula also supports sex hormone production.
Garlic: This formula contains sulfur compounds (particularly alliin) and other compounds. This formula is standardized to contain 5.7 mg per tablet of stabilized alliin to ensure optimal strength and quality. The compounds in Garlic, particularly the alliin and resultant metabolites which are formed on ingestion, work together to help maintain normal cholesterol levels within a normal range; support cardiovascular system health; encourage a healthy intestinal environment to help maintain proper gastrointestinal flora; enhance immune system response; promote healthy lung function. Very effective in supporting the body against infections of all sorts, including yeast infections, fungal infections, lowering cholesterol and triglycerides, reducing arthritic joint inflammation and swimmer’s ear.
Gastrex®: This formula is rich in Vitamin U, Okra and nutritional factors to support the stomach and small intestines and protect them from ulcers. This formula is amazing for patients with symptoms of gastritis, heartburn and ulcers both in the stomach and small intestines. This formula may also be an excellent relief tool to an over acidic stomach.
Gastro-Fiber®: This formula promotes bowel function and helps to maintain a healthy lining of the gastrointestinal tract. It also helps support healthy blood vessel walls. It is good for intestinal and colon cleansing and softens stools. It is also good for reducing cholesterol when elevated and leaky gut syndrome.
GI Adsorb: This formula supports detoxification of the lymphatic system and the liver. It is good for intestinal detoxification and food poisoning. It helps to quickly neutralize allergens by adsorbing to toxins in the bowel. It contains clinoptolite, which is a form of zeolite.
Ginkgo Synergy™: This formula contains ginkgo, which supports brain function and blood circulation and protection against certain harmful radiation sources. It is great for patients with symptoms of short/long term memory issues and arterial disease. It enhances the circulation of blood to the brain, hear, limbs, ears and eyes.
Glucosamine Synergy™: This formula is a foundational component of joint cartilage. It is excellent joint support and is often recommended for patients with symptoms of arthritis, osteoporosis, damaged cartilage, bursitis, tendonitis and psoriasis.
Gut Flora Complex: This formula contains Oregano essential oil, Anise (Aniseed) essential oil, Andrographis and Phellodendron. This combination of essential oils and herbs contains many compounds including monoterpenes (especially trans-anethole, carvacrol, thymol, gamma-terpinene, p-cymene), diterpenoid lactones (especially andrographolide) and alkaloids of the isoquinoline type (especially berberine). Each enteric coated capsule is standardized to contain 10 mg of andrographolide and 36 mg of berberine to ensure optimal strength and quality. Together these herbs, essential oils and the substances within them combine to cleanse and promote health in the lower gastrointestinal tract; encourage a healthy intestinal environment to help maintain proper intestinal flora; support healthy immune response; promote vitality and stamina . Contraindicated in pregnancy and lactation.
Hepatrophin PMG®: This formula is great liver support. Excellent in cases with symptoms of venous congestion, liver degeneration, kidney overload and liver issues.
Hypothalamus PMG®: The hypothalamus sets the body’s thermostat for energy in fat metabolism. It governs the entire hormone system. This formula is good for those trying to reset their metabolism and balance hormones.
Hypothalmex®: The hypothalamus sets the body’s thermostat for energy in fat metabolism. It governs the entire hormone system. This formula is rich in hypothalamic cytosol extract and good for those trying to reset their metabolism and balance hormones.
Immuplex®: This formula is rich in foods to feed the bone marrow, liver, spleen and thymus gland, which comprise of the immune system. Supports your immune system to work on its own to fend off viruses, bacteria, mold and parasites.
Inositol: This formula is a concentrate of the B vitamin inositol that tastes like sugar, but isn’t. It’s great in cases with brain fog, diabetes, muscular and nerve pain, degeneration or damage.
Iodomere®: This formula is rich in iodine to support healthy thyroid function.
Iplex® (Eyeplex): This formula supports healthy eyes and vision. Best with paired with Bilberry Forte and Cruciferous Complete.
Lact-Enz®: This formula contains digestive enzymes to help aid with dairy digestion and probiotics helpful in addressing fungal overgrowths. This formula helps clean up the toxic material so the good bacteria can grow again. It is a combination of digestive enzymes and acidophilus. It is good for intestinal mucus, bad breath, toxemia and after antibiotic use.
Lactic Acid Yeast™: Lactic acid yeast converts carbohydrate and sugars into lactic acid which will acidify the GI tract and help balance the gut flora. Refined foods creates an alkaline GI tract which leads to digestion problems. This formula will start to rebalance the GI tract’s pH with a carbohydrate reduction program.
Ligaplex® I: This formula contains manganese which is an essential component of bone and connective tissue. It supports healthy bone, ligament and tendons. It supports healthy ligament tone and joint mobility. The pituitary gland also requires manganese to produce hormones and this formula will also provide nutritional support to the pituitary. This formula contains more manganese than Ligaplex® II.
Ligaplex® II: This formula contains manganese which is an essential component of bone and connective tissue. It supports healthy bone, ligament and tendons. It supports healthy ligament tone and joint mobility. The pituitary gland also requires manganese to produce hormones and this formula will also provide nutritional support to the pituitary. This formula contains less manganese than Ligaplex® I.
Linum B6 (Flaxseed Oil): This formula is excellent for dry skin, constipation and cholesterol problems. It a good source of Omega 3 fatty acids because it contains flax seed oil.
Livaplex®: This formula is rich in beets, carrots, radishes, liver and other foods to support optimal liver function, fat metabolism and general liver support.
Magnesium Lactate: This magnesium salt formula is helpful to support a balanced magnesium to calcium ration.
Mammary PMG®: This formula supports healthy breast health. It is great for patients with symptoms of breast infections, tenderness, tumors and inflammation.
Manganese B12™: This formula is an excellent source of food based manganese. It supports healthy bone, ligament and tendons. The pituitary gland also requires manganese to produce hormones and this formula will also provide nutritional support to the pituitary.
Min-Chex®: This formula is a combination of Min-Tran® and Orchex® with Magnesium Lactate. It is excellent for people individuals with symptoms of emotional distress. It is also great for patients with symptoms nervousness, hyperactivity and anxiety.
Min-Tran®: This formula is a blend of kelp, alfalfa and Calcium Lactate. It’s name is short for “Mineral Tranquilizer” and is great for patients with symptoms of insomnia, a tired brain, fatigue, rapid heartbeat, hyperirritability and heavy metal toxicity.
Multizyme®: This formula is rich in digestive enzymes to support healthy digestion. It contains bromelain, papain, amylase, and pancreatin. When taken on an empty stomach, it and is excellent in patients with symptoms of small egg laying intestinal parasites, indigestion, ulcers, lower bowel gas.
Neuroplex®: This formula is rich in foods to support healthy brain and liver function. It works amazing in patients who have symptoms of nerve damage, nerve pain, hot flashes, PMS, appetite control issues and nervous system disorders.
Neurotrophin PMG®: This formula is rich in the protomorphagen of the brain and is recommended in patients with symptoms of brain trauma or disorders, sluggish thoughts and loss of memory.
Niacinamide-B6: This formula is rich in Niacin and looking to support healthy cardiovascular, nerve, liver and adrenal function.
Nutrimere®: This formula is rich in green lipped muscle to provide a balanced wide spectrum amino acid support.
Oculotrophin PMG®: This is a concentrate of the eye protomorphagen to provide support healthy eye support. Very useful in patients with symptoms of eyestrain, eye fatigue, failing vision and eye trauma.
Okra Pepsin E3: This formula is rich in Okra and Pepsin for healthy mucous membrane and digestive health. It is rich in foods that pull mucus out of the small intestine to improve digestion. It may provide benefit in cases with symptoms of colitis, diverticulitis, ulcers, malabsorption syndromes and ileocecal valve problems.
OPC Synergy™: This formula contains green tea, carrot, grapeseed extract, red wine extract and bilberry. It is rich in the polyphenols, vitamins, minerals and enzymes that help to keep free radicals in check. It slows the formation and release of histamine. It supports healthy cell, eye, brain and cardiovascular function
Orchex®: This formula contains liver, orchic cytosol extract and magnesiumto work a powerful natural emotional tranquilizer. This formula is good for people with high blood pressure and irritability.
Orchic PMG®: The orchic protomorphagen supports healthy testicular function and repair. It is good for cases with symptoms of male infertility or low testosterone. Best when paired with Wheat Germ Oil and Tribulus.
Organically Bound Minerals: This formula is rich in alfalfa and kelp and is rich in potassium. Potassium supports the parasympathetic nervous system. May help in cases with symptoms of dehydration, digestive spasms, racing heart, nervous system problems and dry mouth.
Ostarplex®: This formula is a special combination formula to support healthy bone, connective tissue and liver function.
Ostrophin PMG®: This formula is rich in the bone protomorphagen and is used to support healthy bone and joint function. It also supports healthy bone marrow, which is responsible for the production of bone, red blood cells and white blood cells.
Ovatrophin PMG®: This formula is rich in the ovarian protomorphagen. It supports a healthy endocrine system and balanced hormones. Especially useful in cases with symptoms of delayed puberty, amenorrhea, ovarian tumors and ovarian cysts.
Ovex® & Ovex® P: This formula is rich in the nutritional factors to support health progesterone production. It may be supportive in patients with symptoms of menstrual irregularities that include amenorrhea, menstrual irregularity, excessive menstrual flow and postmenopausal osteoporosis.
Pancreatrophin PMG®: This formula is rich in the pancreas protomorphagen and supports healthy blood sugar balance.
Paraplex®: This formula contains the protomorphagens to the pituitary, thyroid, adrenal and pancreas.
Parotid PMG®: This formula is rich in the parotid protomorphagen. The parotid glands secrete salvia and also support chelation of heavy metals.
Phosfood® Liquid: Calcium and phosphorus must be in a balance of 10 calcium to 4 phosphorus in the body. Phosphorus is there to hold the calcium in the blood and is a gland accelerator. When there is not enough phosphorus to hold the calcium in the blood, calcium starts to come out of the body fluids. The calcium goes out of the blood into the kidneys and forms kidney stones, it moves into the joints and this is known as arthritis. If it is on your eyes, it is called cataracts. These conditions are symptoms of a phosphorus deficiency. If the 10 to 4 ratio was too much phosphorus and not enough calcium, you would have calcium coming out of the bones and this is called osteoporosis. This formula is to be used temporarily and should be stopped when the calcium to phosphorous ratio is balanced.
Pituitrophin PMG®: This formula is supports pituitary gland function. It is excellent in cases with symptoms of delayed healing response, unresolving Crohn’s disease and colitis.
Pneumotrophin PMG®: This formula is rich in the lung protomorphagen. Excellent to support healthy lung function. Ideal for people who live in areas of air pollution, or who inhale toxic vapors, have symptoms of pneumonia, breathing challenges, dry cough and smoker’s cough.
Prolamine Iodine: This formula is made up of foods rich in iodine.
ProSynbiotic: is a synergistic blend of 4 research-supported probiotic strains and 2 prebiotic fibers to support gut flora and overall intestinal health. Prosynbiotic contains research supported strains of lactic acid bacteria (Lactobacillus and Bifidobacteria), and Saccharomyces cerevisiae var. boulardii; inulin, a non-digestible, soluble fiber from chicory root and galactooligosaccharide (GOS), a non-digestible carbohydrate, both of which are used by probiotic bacteria as food. Is useful in maintaining a healthy gut microbial environment; contributes to absorption of calcium and magnesium; improves nutrient digestion/absorption; supports normal bowel regularity and consistency; supports the body’s natural immune response.
Prostate PMG®: This formula rich in the prostate protomorphagen and supports a healthy prostate. It is recommended in men with symptoms of hypertrophy of the prostate, prostate tumors and dribble to little urination.
Prost-X™: This formula contains foods to help put calcium into the bones and out of the blood. It supports a healthy prostate. It is recommended in men with symptoms of hypertrophy of the prostate, prostate tumors and dribble to little urination.
Protefood®: This formula provides all 8 essential amino acids. It is an excellent liver and kidney detoxification support formula.
Renafood®: This formula is rich in sprouted kidney bean, kidney, B Complex and spanish moss to support healthy kidney function. It is excellent in cases with symptoms of kidney issues, stones, renal hypertension, urinary tract infections and fluid balance problems.
Renatrophin PMG®: This formula is rich in the kidney protomorphagen and supports healthy kidney function.
Ribonucleic Acid (RNA): This formula is rich in RNA, which is a major component of brain tissue. It is great for patients with a symptoms of concussion, lack of focus, or poor short term memory.
Rumaplex®: This formula is rich in foods to support healthy liver, kidneys, joints and brain function.
Senaplex®: This formula is a broad spectrum multiple vitamin that provides liver & gallbladder support.
Sesame Seed Oil: This formula is rich in sesame seed oil and is great to support healthy platelet levels . When applied topically on the skin, it may aid in helping scars heal.
Soy Bean Lecithin: This formula is rich in Lecithin. Lecithin is rich in phosphorous and has the ability to support cholesterol balance.
SP Cleanse®: This formula is in 20 botanicals (juniper berry, red clover, collinsonia, apple pectin, dandelion leaf, beets, spanish black radish, oregon grape, globe artichoke, etc.) to support healthy detoxification and elimination of environmental toxins trapped in the fat tissue of patients. Supports healthy liver, lymph, kidney and lung detoxification function.
SP Complete™: A protein & vegetable rich powder that can be used as a meal replacement and is part of the Standard Process 21 Day Purification Program. It is a vegetarian whole food and herbal shake powder.
SP Green Food™: Rich in organic kale, brussels sprouts, barley grass, buckwheat leaf and alfalfa to support phase 1 and 2 of liver detoxification mechanisms. Great for anybody who doesn’t eat enough vegetables.
Spanish Black Radish: This formula is a concentrate of organic Spanish Black Radish. Clinically tested to support glutathione conjugation pathways in the liver. Also antimicrobial and supports the pulling of mucus out of the body in the sinuses, lungs and lymphatics. It is a detoxifying herb for the bowel and the lymphatics. It helps lubricate the bowel and has a slight laxative effect. It is also excellent for eliminating toxins from the body.
St. John’s Wort-IMT™: This formula contains Inosito, Min-Tran and St. John’s Wort. It is great in patients with symptoms of menopause, neuralgia and sciatica. It also supports thyroid function and has anti-viral historical uses.
Super-EFF®: This formula is rich in pre-digested bovine liver fat to support a healthy nervous system. It is recommended in patients with symptoms of neurological degenerative diseases including muscular dystrophy, multiple sclerosis, liver and kidney damage. It contains phospholipid material which surrounds and protects all cells of th ebody.
Symplex® F: This formula is rich in the promotomorphagen to the pituitary, thyroid, adrenals and ovaries. It supports healthy hormone balance.
Symplex® M: This formula is rich in the promotomorphagen to the pituitary, thyroid, adrenals and testicles. It supports healthy endocrine performance and helps maintain male sex hormones.
Thymex®: This formula is rich in the thymus cytosol extract. The thymus gland is responsible in lymphatic drainage and infection resistance. This formula is great for patients with symptoms of infections, inflammation, skin issues, warts, fatty cysts, ear infections and allergic reactions.
Thymus PMG®: This formula is rich in the thymus protomorphagen.
Thytrophin PMG®: This formula is rich in the thyroid protomorphagen.
Trace Minerals B12™: This formula is an excellent source of trace minerals. Trace minerals are required for hormone production, structure and function.
Tuna Omega-3 Oil: Delivers essential omega-3 fatty acids (including EPA and DHA) in a 5:1 ratio that exists naturally in a healthy body. Natural profile of tuna oil; not concentrated; supports normal lipid profile; supports the body’s natural inflammatory response; provides antioxidants; sustainably sourced and dolphin friendly. DHA is important for proper fetal eye and brain development; Supports the nutritional needs of the mother and baby during lactation; supports healthy skin/hair health; supports emotional balance.
U.S.F. Ointment®: This topical ointment is a great source of Vitamin F. Great to apply topically in cases with symptoms of eczema, dermatitis, sunburn, burns, dry skin, diaper rash and herpes lesions. Best paired with Livaplex® and AC Carbamide.
Utrophin PMG®: This formula is rich in the uterus protomorphagen. Excellent in cases with symptoms of uterine disorders, uterine cysts, fibroids, hysterectomies and people who are weaned off birth control pills under the guidance of the prescribing physician.
Vasculin®: This formula is rich in foods to support a healthy heart and muscles.
Wheat Germ Oil: This formula is rich in raw, cold pressed wheat germ oil. It is gluten free and rich in octacosanol and Vitamin E. It supports healthy nails, skin and fertility. When applied topically on the skin, it may aid in helping scars heal.
Zinc Chelate™: This formula is rich in chelated zinc to support healthy liver, immune, blood sugar, skin and reproductive systems. We recommend patients first conduct a Zinc Test to assess if they have zinc deficiency to determine if they are deficient and then to retest to track progress.
Zymex® Capsules or Wafers: This formula is rich in a special fermentation of Spanish Moss. It is very effective in supporting patients to detoxify environmental toxins. It is used often in cases with symptoms of candida, gastrointestinal tract toxicity and support after antibiotic use. It also an excellent formula to support healthy intestinal flora. Best when paired with Spanish Black Radish.
Zymex® 2: This formula is rich in papain, bromelain, amylase and other proteolytic enzymes to support healthy bowels.
Zypan®: This formula is rich in pancreatin, spleen, hydrochloric acid, and is used to support healthy digestion. Excellent in patients with symptoms of indigestion, gas, anemia, calcium and iron absorption and bad breath.
Note: These formulas are not intended to take the place of medical care that you can get from a licensed medical physician. These formulas are to help support the structure and function of your body. Nutrition is an individual process and each person is unique.
*These claims/statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Natural Health Improvement Center is authorized to sell Standard Process Products, but is not a partner, franchisor, joint venturer, agent, or employee of Standard Process Inc.

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Ingredients & Formulas
The Standard Process formulas are unlike anything else on the market because they adhere to a philosophy of vitamin complexes as found in nature. The formulas are made from a combination of ingredients that support body systems (i.e. hormonal, digestive, immune, etc.) from the organ and cellular levels.

Ongoing Health Articles
We love writing informational articles with our team’s years of experience and cannot wait for you to read them.
We focus on subjects like digestion, allergies, inflammation and immunity so that you can make informed decisions about your healthcare and maybe even lear a thing or two about these wonderful products.

About Reordering Products
We are committed to supporting you on your health journey. To place a reorder, visit our website. You will have access to all your past orders when you create an account.
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