Functional Blood Chemistry

Wellness Blood test done annually to ensure you remain optimally balanced.

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For the Functional Wellness Blood Panel, you can gain insight into various body systems. This includes the endocrine, digestive, immune, detoxification, elimination, respiratory and blood builiding systems. We test, so you don't have to guess. Most clinicians do not run such a thorough and comprehensive bood panel such as ours. Watch this video to learn more.

Functional Blood Chemistry Wellness Panel
Functional Blood Chemistry Wellness Panel

Functional Blood Chemistry Wellness Panel


Complete Blood Count (with differential)
Comprehensive Metabolic Panel
Lipid Panel
Iron Panel
Thyroid Panel

Plus markers such as HgB A1c, Insulin, LDH, Globulin, Phosphorus, Magnesum, Uric Acid, GGT, eGFR, Vitamin D, Fibrinogen, hs-CRP, Homocysteine. 

To complete order, we will send you a separate email to request your exact name and birthdate that matches your driver's license (to be confirmed at the labdraw facility). This product is not available in NY, NJ and RI.

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Feeling Unwell, but my doctor says I'm normal

So you’re feeling off and your doctor orders some blood tests, but when the results come in you are told “everything looks normal”. Yet, despite this you still don’t feel well and are convinced that something is going on… If this sounds familiar, you are not alone! This is actually a very common experience, which typically results from the way conventional blood testing is interpreted. It’s not uncommon for people to start feeling unwell long before the markers on a blood test moves outside the traditional ‘normal’ range. Even though you’ve been told everything looks great, your test results may be far from being what is considered physiologically optimal, or healthy.

Why Your Doctor Can't Find What's Wrong?

- They aren't looking for the root cause
- They seek to diagnose a disease 
- They are focused on which drug to prescribe
- They focus on which organ to remove
- They are limited by insurance companies
- They forget the importance of a good diet
- They are scared of herbs

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Why is Testing for Physiology is more powerful than testing for Pathology?

This test is a great one-stop shop for all of your essential functions. This 61 marker diagnostic lab panel not only gives us a clear picture of your overall health and wellness but drills down into the nitty gritty so we can customize a proactive plan for optimization both physically and mentally. These results will inform just how much room for growth there is in your wellbeing—and how you can get back up to feeling 100%.

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What panels are included?

Complete Blood Count (with differential)
Comprehensive Metabolic Panel
Lipid Panel
Iron Panel
Thyroid Panel

Plus markers such as HgB A1c, Insuli, LDH, Globulin, Phosphorus, Magnesum, Uric Acid, GGT, eGFR, Vitamin D, Fibrinogen, hs-CRP, Homocysteine

Why use our comprehensive Functional Blood Chemistry Wellness Panel tests?

Bioindividuality: blood testing is affordable, quick and highly accurate. No two people will have the same exact lab results, so the nutritional and herbal support plan can be customized to meet an individual's unique health situation.

Simplicity: collection of blood samples are done by expert phlebotomists and results are then generated and sent to you via email.

Convenience: a blood and urine sample can be conveniently collected from your a local Labcorp. 


‘Normal’ is not the same as optimal!

Many people who feel unwell will typically have ‘normal’ results on a blood test. However, normal is by no means the same as optimal! Blood markers may have not yet progressed to a state of diagnosable disease, but they may be far from what is considered ideal or healthy. The issue isn’t that blood testing is a poor diagnostic tool, far from it. The issue is that the reference ranges used on traditional blood tests are far too broad and based on statistical averages, not whether a certain value represents good health or optimal function for you. As such, conventional blood test interpretation is often inadequate at detecting health problems early on. Luckily, there’s a far smarter approach available!

Which states will I not be able to order this test in?

If you live in NY, NJ, or RI, please do not order this panel. These states require you to order labwork through your primary physician within your respective state. Our blood ordering services are available in all other 47 states.

Are your labs better?

Unlike conventional blood analysis, which uses broad reference ranges to diagnose a disease, FBCA utilises ‘functional’ ranges in order to determine disease risk and identify sub-clinical health problems long before they manifest as full-blown disease. With early detection, many of your health problems can be prevented and appropriately managed with diet and lifestyle interventions. As the saying goes… “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”. Another great feature of FBCA is it’s ability to track your health indicators and disease risk over time. By comparing your results to previous tests you are able to view your healthy trajectory and monitor the effects of any health-optimisation strategies you implement. It’s arguably one of the most valuable, efficient and cost-effective screening tools for evaluating the status of your health and susceptibility to disease.

Where do I have my blood drawn?

You can easily schedule an appointment with a local Labcorp facility near you.  We recommend you do not use a Labcorp location inside a Walgreens as they do not collect urine samples. 

Since this is a fasting test (no food or drinks), we recommend you schedule a morning appointment. You can also walk-in to most facilities, but without an appointment, there may be a long wait. We recommend yoou call or book online ahead of time to confirm.

Is this a fasting sample?

Yes. Please do not eat or drink for 12 hours before the test. Water is OKAY. Take any medications that can be taken with water. If you take medications for thyroid or diabetes, DO NOT take them before the test. Please take them after the test. Do not take any supplements the morning of your test. As soon as we receive your results, we will notify you for a follow up consult to review them.

If I am dehydrated, can that skew the results? 

Be sure to be consistently well hydrated for the 3 days prior to your blood draw to prevent skewing of the data.

How long will it take to receive my results after my blood sample has been collected? 

We will receive your results approximately 1-2 weeks after and review them with you at a follow-up visit or will email them to you with recommendations on which member portal videos to watch if you are not a direct patient of ours.

How do I measure progress?

Ordering annual labs and staying your natural health improvement program assists with what is working and what is not. See how clinical director of the Natural Health Improvement Center uses labwork to ensure his healing journey works for lowering high triglycerides

Functional Blood Chemistry Wellness Panel
Functional Blood Chemistry Wellness Panel

Functional Blood Chemistry Wellness Panel


Complete Blood Count (with differential)
Comprehensive Metabolic Panel
Lipid Panel
Iron Panel
Thyroid Panel

Plus markers such as HgB A1c, Insulin, LDH, Globulin, Phosphorus, Magnesum, Uric Acid, GGT, eGFR, Vitamin D, Fibrinogen, hs-CRP, Homocysteine. 

To complete order, we will send you a separate email to request your exact name and birthdate that matches your driver's license (to be confirmed at the labdraw facility). This product is not available in NY, NJ and RI.

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The information provided here is intended for educational purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Ordering a Functional Blood Chemistry Wellness Panel is a framework that can assist in understanding individual physiological tendencies and potential health and nutrition needs. It should not be used to diagnose any disease or pathology. Every individual is unique, and this information should be used as a general guide rather than a definitive assessment of one's health or character. Functional Blood Chemistry Wellness panels are a simplistic and objective method of assessing physiological health and do not capture the complexity and diversity of human bodies. It's important to remember that many factors contribute to one's health and well-being, including genetics, lifestyle, environment, and personal history. Please consult with a healthcare professional for personalized medical advice. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read here. Remember, this information is meant to promote understanding and knowledge about body types and is not intended to discriminate or create bias towards any body shape or size. Respect for individual differences and a holistic approach to health and well-being are paramount.